Privacy Training and Awareness

Some have asked the question: why is privacy training and awareness necessary as security training is already in place? Privacy training relates to specifically relate to the protection of information, specifically about the privacy of client information and the workforce.

One of the most common privacy breaches is inadvertent disclosure. Inadvertent disclosure is not from a hacker taking one’s information; rather, it is a disclosure of information to someone who did not have a need to know to see the information. The need to know is defined as someone who is authorized to see such information.

Privacy Training

In order to minimize the likelihood of such activity taking place, it is pivotal for an organization to provide training to its workforce on the importance of not disclosing information to those who are not authorized.

Secondly, this shows an organization is being proactive to protect the privacy of clients and the workforce.

Privacy Awareness

In order for training to be effective, a cultural shift must take place in an organization. To perform this cultural shift, awareness of privacy is pivotal.

How Gilliam Security Can Help

Gilliam Security has fractional resources who have built our privacy programs, as well as privacy training and awareness campaigns. For help in these areas, please contact us and ask for more information on privacy training and awareness.

In order to be most effective as well as to honor the nature of privacy being private, a template for training as well as for awareness campaigns does not exist.